MSAN is now accepting applications for membership. MSAN is actively looking to expand its network outside the Midwest and East Coast.

Benefits of Membership

MSAN is a national coalition of multiracial and multicultural school districts learning, growing, and working together toward the goal of improving access, opportunity, and achievement for students of color. Additionally, districts have the opportunity to participate in research projects and access information related to evidence-based interventions and resources. Click here for more information on the Benefits of MSAN membership.

Characteristics of MSAN Districts

  • MSAN Kids Location - MSAN districts are most often thriving first ring suburbs or small/mid-size cities.
  • Size of District - MSAN member districts are typically small to mid-size and range in size from 3,000 to around 30,000 students.
  • Student Demographics - Most MSAN districts have diverse student bodies and a significant population of students of color. Most MSAN districts have enrollments made up of 30%-80% students of color.
  • Academic Achievement - MSAN districts share the common goal of increasing student academic achievement for all students, especially students of color. MSAN districts experience similar disparities in achievement, access, and opportunity among students.
  • Research - Most MSAN districts have or had past relationships with research universities or been engaged in research projects with external organizations or groups. 

Selection Factors

The Governing Board considers several factors when determining whether a district will be accepted as a new member of MSAN. None of the items below are absolutes, but are considered as guiding factors in review and selection.

  • Districts should be small to mid-size and have diverse student populations that reflect current network district enrollments.
  • Districts must share and embrace the mission and values of MSAN.
  • Districts must demonstrate the capacity to fulfill network member expectations and obligations.
  • During the selection process, consideration will be given to expanding the network to new regions of the country.

Apply Now

Application Process

To be considered for membership in the Multicultural Student Achievement Network (MSAN), interested districts are asked to prepare an application which includes:

  • Current demographic information about the district;
  • Information regarding current efforts to advance equity and improve achievement, access, and outcomes for students of color;
  • Why the district wants to join the network and how membership in MSAN will support their efforts to advance educational equity in their districts.

The superintendent of a school district initiates the MSAN membership application process.

Applications are accepted throughout the year; however, new members are encouraged to join during the summer months, prior to the start of the new school year so that they are able to access the full year of MSAN benefits and activities. Once received, membership applications are reviewed by the Executive Committee who make a recommendation to the MSAN Governing Board. The Governing Board makes final membership decisions.

Membership Fee

An annual membership fee of $15,000 per district is due annually in August. Prompt payment is appreciated. Membership fees cover participation in all MSAN activities including: virtual and in-person community of practice meetings, MSAN Institute (registration for six educators), MSAN Student Conference (registration for eight students and two chaperones), MSAN middle school virtual Intersectional Social Justice Collaborative (ISJC), access to information from prior institutes and mini-conferences, access to an on-line database of MSAN's Promising Practices, and more. Districts pay travel and lodging for MSAN events.

MSAN’s goal is to keep network membership affordable for districts of all sizes. Therefore, the network regularly solicits sponsors and donors to support network conferences, convenings and activities.


Active participation by network members in MSAN activities is an expectation of membership and vital to the success of the network. If representatives from a district are not able to participate in network activities for more than 24 months (including community of practice meetings, the MSAN Institute, the Student Conference, etc.), the district will be considered inactive and referred to the governing board for reconsideration of membership.