Dear Colleagues:

This is the final MSAN Minute for the 2018-2019 school year. We will resume our MSAN Minute newsletters in the fall. Thank you for all of your work on behalf of our children this school year.

See you in September!

The Roses that Grew from Concrete


Hosted by Middleton/Cross Plains Area School District (MCPASD)
The 2019 MSAN Student Conference will be held October 23-October 26 in Madison, Wisconsin. The theme for this fall’s event is “The Roses That Grew From Concrete.” Watch the conference website for updates.

All are welcomed to join the email list for Student Conference planning! Contact us!

Ethnic Matching: Academic Success of Students of Color book cover


Students can benefit from ‘ethnic matching,’ says dean of University of South Dakota School of Education
Research continues to show that having teachers of color has a positive and long-term impact on the academic experience of students of color. Dean of University of Nevada College of Education, and author of the new book Ethnic Matching: Academic Success of Students of Color, Dr. Donald Easton-Brooks adds to this body of research through his research of quality teachers of color and how the intentionality of culturally responsive practice can enhance the academic experience of students of color. Dr. Easton-Brooks intends for his work to be used with all teachers, to provide valuable insight into techniques for engaging with diverse learners. Topics such as the challenges of recruiting and retaining quality teachers of color, as well as the valuable work being done on the local, state, and national level to promote diversifying the field of education as a way to provide equitable education for all students, is also explored.

MSAN Focus Areas


UCLA Civil Rights Project
The UCLA Civil Rights project (CRP) has a large repository of research related to the racial disparities that are the result of many of the policies and practices related to school discipline. Though much of the data is from California, there is information from other states as well as findings that apply to all public schools no matter their location.

The CRP is co-directed by Gary Orfield and Patricia Gándara, professors at UCLA, and housed in the Graduate School of Education & Information Studies. Founded in 1996 at Harvard University by Orfield and Christopher Edley, the CRP’s mission is to create a new generation of research in social science and law on the critical issues of civil rights and equal opportunity for racial and ethnic groups in the United States.

Lisa Vahey


White Parents and Black History Month
Lisa Vahey is a parent leader in Shaker Heights School District (OH). A former classroom teacher, principal, coach, and academic leader, she founded an induction program at the University of Chicago and then opened the New Teacher Center's Chicago office. Check out Lisa’s blog post about white parents & Black history month in a recent edition of Education Post!

Superintendent Talisa Dixon


A Fond Farewell to Superintendent Talisa Dixon
A fond farewell to Superintendent Talisa Dixon, who has moved on from her post at Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District (OH) to serve as superintendent for Columbus City Schools. Talisa has served on the Executive Committee of MSAN’s Governing Board since 2016. An alumna of IEL’s Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP), a 10-month professional development program for diverse and collaborative strategic leaders for effective public policy, Talisa’s work at CHUH is highlighted by IEL in Rise up for Equity: The Story of One Transformational Leader. Thank you, Talisa, for your leadership at CHUH and in MSAN!

MSAN 2019 Insitute


2019 MSAN Institute Highlights
The MSAN Institute is our network’s hallmark professional learning event. The conference has several components, including breakout sessions led by teachers, researchers, school administrators, and others; a student panel featuring student leaders, and keynote addresses.

For a limited time, check out the full conference program, videos of select sessions, including testimonials and the always-well-received MSAN Scholar high school student panel, at If you are part of an MSAN member district, you can search all past MSAN conference archives with unlimited access at

Institute Keynote Speakers 
This year’s keynote speakers were Dr. Maisha T. Winn of UC Davis, and MSAN Scholar alumnae Winona Guo and Priya Vulchi of CHOOSE. Both keynote addresses drew from the content of new works authored by the speakers. See Dr. Winn’s 2018 Harvard Press work on restorative justice in schools, Justice on Both Sides, and see Ms. Guo and Ms. Vulchi’s hot-off-the-press Tell Me Who You Are, which documents their post-high school yearlong US road trip that focused on conversations on race and identity.


This year’s MSAN focus area is ending racial disparities in school discipline. There were several elements of the Institute that highlighted this focus area:

MSAN Institute 2019 Focus Area Keynote Address 
Dr. Maisha Winn MSAN Institute 2019 Keynote Address – Dr. Maisha Winn – Why We Need a Paradigm Shift in Schools Now (MSAN Members Only)

MSAN Institute 2019 Focus Area Breakout Sessions 
Workshop T At Risk” to Student Leader: Creating Meaningful Restorative Experiences and Leadership Opportunities for Students – Buckeye Elementary School District (AZ)

Workshop M Changing Focus: Using a School wide Approach to Transform Middle School Discipline – Arlington Public Schools (VA)
Link to Presentation Materials
Link to Video of Presentation

Workshop H Evolving Roles: The Journey of our Intervention Specialists Team – Ann Arbor Public Schools (MI)

Workshop J Restorative Practice Responses to Student Absenteeism: An Exploration of Racial Microaggressions and Student Self Efficacy – Alexandria City Public Schools (VA)

Workshop L Uncommon Ideas: Strategies for Increasing Family Engagement, Improving School Climate, and Decreasing Student Discipline


University of Wisconsin–Madison
Wisconsin Center for Education Research
Office of Student Financial Aid
The Network: Wisconsin Collaborative Education Research
PLACE: Professional Learning and Community Education



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